Commands related to Reports


Extract XMP metadata

--extractxmpmetadata <report config file>


Extract XMP Metadata of the processed PDF into a configurable XML file. For more information see "Use of XMP Metadata reports".


report config file full path to a meta data report configuration file, pre-installed config files can be found in <Application folder>/var/Actions/Metadata/Filters/Export


pdfToolbox <report config file> <PDF file>

List basic PDF info



Lists some basic PDF information to output.

Example pdfToolbox --quickpdfinfo <PDF file>


--visualizer [--usebleed] [--safetyoutside=safetyoutside] [--safetyinside=safetyinside] [--gamut_method=gamut_method] [--gamut_targetprofile=gamut_targetprofile] [--gamut_currentprofile=gamut_currentprofile] [--gamut=gamut] [--sep_colors] [--onlyproblems] [--smlobj=smlobj] [--inkcov=inkcov] [--bmpres=bmpres] [--imgres=imgres] [--part=part] [--resolution=resolution] [--colorspace=colorspace] [--jpegformat=jpegformat] [--compression=compression] [--imgformat=imgformat] ... <input file>


Create a report listing print relevant aspects of a PDF document.


usebleed Width of BleedBox is used if existing, otherwise the default value or the value defined by “--safetyoutside” (default:off)
safetyoutside Used as safety distance outside of the TrimBox, default: 3mm
safetyinside Used as safety distance inside of the TrimBox, default: 3mm
gamut_method Method used for Delta E (Default: Delta E 2000)
gamut_targetprofile View in target color space
gamut_currentprofile View in current color space
gamut View in current and target color space and as heat map
smlobj Threshold for small object coverage highlighting, see "Resolution output" (default: low)
inkcov Threshold for ink coverage highlighting (default: 250)
bmpres Threshold for bitmap resolution highlighting (default: 550)
imgres Threshold for image resolution highlighting (default: 150)
part See "Report parts"
format See "Report type"
resolution Resolution in ppi or width x height in pixel, e.g. 1024x800 (default: 72)
language report language (e.g. en (English, default), de, es, fr or it)
sep_colors Renders all individual separations in their respective color

Resolution output

Following you will find the values taken as tresholds for the chosen output resolution.

Text Multicolored text Line Multicolored line
low 8 pt 10 pt 0.5 pt 2 pt
medium 5 pt 9 pt 0.125 pt 0.25 pt
high 5 pt 8 pt 0.125 pt 0.25 pt

Report parts

Image report:

all all visualizer parts
full regular page view
ink all ink coverage views
ink_temp ink coverage above threshold
ink_topo ink coverage topographic view
process all process color views
process_CMYK CMYK channels (without spots)
process_CMY CMY
process_K K channel only
spot all spot color views
spot_spots spot color channels
spot_spots_K spot color + K channels
spot_CMYK CMYK channels (without spots)
sep all individual separations
sep_process all individual process separations
sep_spot all individual spot color separations
sep:<NAME> separation of colorant with name <NAME>
imgres all image resolution views
imgres_img image resolution below threshold
imgres_bmp bitmap resolution below threshold
smallobj all small object views
smallobj_text very small text objects below threshold
smallobj_lines very small vector objects below threshold
safety all safety zone views
safety_bleed bleed area safety zone
safety_trim page border safety zone
safety_full safety zone regular page view

PDF report (supported until pdfToolbox 11):

all all visualizer parts
ink all ink coverage views
sep all individual separations
imgres all image resolution views
smallobj all small object views
safety all safety zone views


pdfToolbox --visualizer --smlobj=medium --inkcov=300
--part=ink --format=pdfreport -p=1-5 <PDF file>

Please note that 'pdfreport' as format is only functional until and including pdfToolbox 11. 


--compare [--channels=rgb] [--onlydifferences][--highlighting=mask] [--diffres=150] [--threshold=20] [--areathreshold=5] [--format=images] [--anchor=anchor] [--anchorbox=anchorbox] [--offset=offset] [--pagebox=pagebox] [--nosimulateoverprint] [--colorspace=colorspace] [--jpegformat=Baseline_Standard] [--compression=JPEG_medium] [--imgformat=JPEG] [--anchor=upperleft] [--anchorbox=CROPBOX] [--offset=5mm,5mm] --pagebox=CROPBOX] <PDF file 1> <PDF file 2>


Compares two PDF documents and creates a report.


channels optional, channels to be compared, any of:
lab, lab76, ab, ab76, RGB (default, including spot colors), CMYK, CMY (both including spot colors), or as separation (without spot colors):
onlydifferences Only emit pages that have differences
highlighting optional, highlighting format for differences, redmask (default), mask
diffres Resolution used for comparison in ppi (Default = 72 ppi)
threshold optional, defines the difference highlighting in % of the compared pixel, to be used instead of --sensitivity Default = 0% (highest sensibility)
sensitivity deprecated parameter - use threshold
controls difference highlighting, any of: maximum:
Maximum sensitivity (default)
medium: Medium sensitivity
minimum: Minimum sensitivity
areathreshold optional, defines the threshold for the area with pixel differences above value defined with parameter "threshold"
format Compare report format, any of:
pdfreport (default): creates a PDF compare report (based on default template)
imgreport: creates an images compare report (JPEG as default)
images: creates 3 individual images for PDF file 1, PDF file 2 and difference (JPEG as default)
template:<template>: creates a PDF compare report based on a template (example can be found below)
nosimulateoverprint optional, deactivates simulate overprinting
colorspace optional, one of:
RGB, CMYK, Gray (default: RGB)
(only applicable if report format is images)
jpegformat optional, Baseline_Standard (default), Progressive_3_Scan
(only applicable if report format is images)
compression optional, JPEG_low, JPEG_medium
(default), JPEG_high
(only applicable if report format is images)
imgformat optional, JPEG, PNG, TIFF ( default: JPEG ) (only applicable if report format is images)
anchor optional, page box anchor point used to align the two page images for comparison (default: upperleft)
- lowerleft: Use lower left corner of anchor box of page
- bottom: Use center of lower edge of anchor box of page
- lowerright: Use lower right corner of anchor box of page
- right: Use center of right edge of anchor box of page
- upperright: Use upper right corner of anchor box of page
- top: Use center of top edge of anchor box of page
- upperleft: Use upper left corner of anchor box of page
- left: Use center of left edge of anchor box of page
- center: Use center of anchor box of page
anchorbox optional, page box used to align the two page images for comparison (default: CROPBOX)
- MEDIABOX: Use MediaBox of page
- CROPBOX: Use CropBox of page
- TRIMBOX: Use TrimBox of page
- BLEEDBOX: Use BleedBox of page
- ARTBOX: Use ArtBox of page
offset optional, offset to anchor point used to align the two page images for comparison. (default: 0,0):
- x-offset: Move second document to the right
- y-offset: Move second document upwards
- unit: Optional unit for offsets: mm, inch, pt (default: mm)
pagebox optional, render pages using a page geometry box (default: CROPBOX)
- MEDIABOX: Render MediaBox of page
- CROPBOX: Render CropBox of page
- TRIMBOX: Render TrimBox of page
- BLEEDBOX: Render BleedBox of page
- ARTBOX: Render ArtBox of page

Regular example

pdfToolbox --compare --threshold=2 --areathreshold=5 <PDF file 1> <PDF file 2>

Template example

pdfToolbox --compare --format=template:<path to template folder> <PDF file 1> <PDF file 2>

 The resolutions of the preview images can be set in the Manifest.xml.Sample folders for a customised template can be downloaded here: