Add sheet sizes for imposition
Please note that pdfToolbox 13 now comes with inbuilt text/file editor.
pdfToolbox 13 Switchboard- Imposition

1. Click on 'Manage sheet sizes'- this opens the editable PageSizes window (like shown here).
Content of PageSizes.txt
Please note that the PageSizes.txt is subject to a certain syntax.
- Individual values must be separated from each other by tabs
- Entries may only be added under "User defined values"
- The hash "#" at the beginning of a line comments the line, so it will not be parsed and therefore not show up in the Switchboard until removed.

1. Click on 'Manage sheet sizes'- this opens the PageSizes.txt from the user settings
PageSizes.txt can also be accessed from
- On Mac, the file is normally located in:
- /Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Preferences/callas\ software/callas\ pdfToolbox\ 11/Repositories/Custom/<version>/Actions/PageSizes.txt
- On Windows, the file is normally located in:
- C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\callas software\callas pdfToolbox 11\Repositories\Custom\<version>\Actions
Up until pdfToolbox 12: To add your own sheet sizes to the existing ones, first look for the PageSizes.txt in the User Preferences. Append a PageSizes.txt with an additional sheet size.