Using "pdfChip Debug" browser plug-in for interactive debugging (1.2)
pdfChip Debug is a browser extension for Google Chrome (supported on Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows). It emulates almost all of pdfChip specific functionality, mostly functions and data provided by the cchip.* object.
Without such emulation, it may be impossible or of limited use to run and inspect an HTML file written specifically for use of pdfChip features in a browser, as a browser will not normally implement or otherwise provide functionality that is specific to pdfChip.
This article describes how to install the pdfChip Debug browser extension and how to make use of it.
Security advice
In order for the pdfChip browser extension to work the settings in the browser (Google Chrome) have to be adjusted in a couple of way, in order for pdfChip Debug to be able to do its work:
- enable Developer mode
- allow access to local files
- turn pdfChip Debug's active mode on
The first two increase the risk of «bad things happening» (i.e. all kinds of «cyber attacks»), especially when opening or browsing files or URLs that you do not know or that possibly can't or should not be trusted. Thus, use these settings with caution!
Also, in order to make transparent what happens – or could happen – when installing and using pdfChip Debug, it is provided as an unpacked extension, so its source code is fully accessible.
It is recommended to disable Developer mode and Access to local files when not doing development work or when browsing the internet.
Installing pdfChip Debug
- in Google Chrome, go to "Preferences"
- switch to "Extensions" pane
- locate and select "pdfChip Debug for Chrome" folder on your file system
- press "Select" button
By default, pdfChip Debug will now be enabled and will have access to the local file system.
pdfChip debug can be disabled or removed from Google Chrome at any time.

Activating pdfChip Debug
After installing pdfChip Debug, a pdfChip icon will be shown in the Google Chrome toolbar.
In order to activate pdfChip Debug – such that its emulation of pdfChip functionality actually kicks on – click in that icon, and tick the checkbox in order to activate "debug trace logging".
Do not forget to disable again once done inspecting and debugging your pdfChip projects.

Initiate a debugging session
With a suitable HTML file loaded – whether from the local file system or from a URL – simply launch the "Developer Tools" in Google Chrome.

Google Chrome Developer Tools
The Google Chrome Developer Tools provide a convenient and powerful environment for inspecting HTML projects. Due to the pdfChip Debug provided emulation of pdfChip specific functionality and data objects it is possible to step through pdfChip specific JavaScript routines, set breakpoints, inspect variables, or interact with the HTML project over the console.

Maximizing use of Google Chrome Developer Tools for pdfChip projects
Google provides excellent resources about how to use their Google Chrome Developer Tools – reading is absolutely recommend, simple check out:
Start page of Google Chrome Developer Tools documentation: